

updated March 27, 2025 ……………………………………………………………………<> pdf 日本語






March 27, 2025__ BANDCAMP   

Juste released by Maison ONA

Bandcamp link


  • Far-West News n°1 (1998-99)
  • Far-West News n°2 (1998-99)

  • Far-West News n°3 (1998-99)

from Luc Ferrari




March 24, 2025__ London, UK


Cafe OTO

18–22 Ashwin street – Dalston – London – E8 3DL


pdf program

presentation text EN/FR pdf


Two films by Luke Fowler :

N’Importe Quoi (for Brunhild) (2023, 9 min.)

N’Importe Quoi (Extérieur-Jour) (2024, 11 min.)


  • Errant Ear – new piece by Brunhild Ferrari


Duo performance by Luke Fowler & David Grubbs

sound material provided by Brunhild Ferrari




March 21, 2025__ London, UK


BBC Late Junction

Brunhild Ferrari ‘s Mixtape


pdf program


Verity Sharp shares a

  • mixtape from musique concrète and electroacoustic – composer Brunhild Ferrari, tracing through lines of memory, contemplation, elemental forces and cabaret. – 1:29:00

sound material provided by Brunhild Ferrari




March 15, 2025__ Glasgow, UK


The Glad Cafe

1006A Pollokshaws Road – Glasgow – G41 2HG


pdf program

presentation text EN/FR pdf


Radiophrenia presents: David Grubbs, Luke Fowler & Brunhild Ferrari


  • J’ai pensé sans paroles &


  • Errant EarTwo new works by David Grubbs, Luke Fowler & Brunhild Ferrari +


  • Two films by Luke Fowler: N’Importe Quoi (for Brunhild) (2023, 9min.) N’Importe Quoi (Extérieur-Jour) (2024, 11min.)




March 06, 2025__ Cologne, Germany

Cologne University of Music and Dance



  • Cellule 75    

for piano & percussion

performed by Yukari Yagi & Carlos Lopes




February 15, 2025__ Paris, France


Maison de la Radio et de la Musique

INA/GRM Akousma 1


pdf program


Opening the acousmatic concert:

Tribute to Luc Ferrari (1929-2005)


  • Presque rien n° 4 – “La remontée du village”




February 10, 2025__ Paris, France


Galerie Univer

6, Cité de l’Ameublement, 75011


  • Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone – 1985

    by Michel Maurer




February 10, 2025__ Tokyo, Japan

@ Esorabako (絵空箱)

by Ayako Sato (Acousmonium Tokyo) 

pdf program


Luc Ferrari:

  • L’escalier des aveugles
  • Les Anecdotiques


Brunhild Ferrari:

  • Dérivatif
  • Extérieur-Jour




February 05, 2025__ Milan, Italy

Fabbrica del Vapore (Sala Donatoni)

Via Giulio Cesare Procaccini, 4


pdf program


  • A la recherche du rythme perdu

by Dmitry Batalov, piano




January 18, 2025__ The Hague, Netherlands

Netherlands Dans Theater

Turfhaven 9 – 2511 DK Den Haag




  • Tu m’écoutes ?

performed by Conner Bormann & Kele Roberson




December 15, 2024__ Bandcamp

release of the 10th album of Complete Works

Bandcamp link


1. Les moments entendus(1977) – 22’34
2. Et si tout entière maintenant…
(1986-87) – 34’06
3. L’escalier des aveugles
(1991) – 34’17




December 15, 2024__ Bandcamp

Extérieur-Jour by Brunhild Ferrari

Bandcamp link


  • Extérieur Jour – 10’20
  • Le Piano Englouti (version originale) – 17’53


Brunhild Ferrari returns to the scene with this new solo album. Extérieur Jour is comprised of two previously unreleased electroacoustic compositions – the first, a piece of cinéma pour l’oreille, a movie for the ears, and the second, a meditation on the loss and reappearance of memory and silence, recorded in various places across the globe over a period of 15 years.

released on Jan. 26, 2024

2024, Streamline




Nov. 18, 2024__ Bandcamp

release of the 9th album of Complete Works

Bandcamp link


“Luc Ferrari – Complete Works 09”

including familiar titles, but also some that deserve the spotlight


1. Dialogue ordinaire avec la machine (1984)
2. Strathoven (1985)
3. Ça va bien, merci ! (1989)
4. Trans-Voices (1992)
5. OuverT-Fermé (1993)


This work includes archives and various pieces (excerpts or materials) previously composed by Luc Ferrari — in dialogue with himself. Also, it’s probably a response to his own title and interrogation from 1972: “Bonjour, comment ça va ?” [Hello, how are you?].




Nov. 16, 2024__Brussels, Belgium


les ateliers claus

rue Crickx 15, 1060 Bruxelles


pdf program


Brunhild Ferrari + David Grubbs & Luke Fowler + screening


Two films by Luke Fowler:

  • N’importe quoi (for Brunhild) (2023, 9 min)
  • N’importe quoi (2024, 11 min)


Performance by Brunhild Ferrari

  • Brumes du réveil – Early Morning Mists


  • Duo performance by Luke Fowler and David Grubbs




Nov. 15, 2024__Alfortville, France


La Muse en ciruit

16-18 Rue Marcelin Berthelot



Carte blanche with Brunhild Ferrari


Performance, concert and film screening


Screening of two films from Luke Fowler:

  • N’importe quoi (for Brunhild) (2023, 9 min)
  • N’importe quoi (2024, 11 min)


Diffusion of

  • Brumes du réveil – Early Morning Mists from Brunhild Ferrari


  • Concert by Luke Fowler and David Grubbs




October 10, 2024__ Bandcamp

Release of the 8th album of Complete Works

Bandcamp link


  • 1. Journal d’un journaliste amateur (1972)
  • 2. et 3. Créamaille 88 (1988), in collaboration with Brunhild Ferrari.




Oct. 18 to Nov. 3, 2024__Châteaudun, France

Château de Châteaudun

Festival AR(t]CHIPEL

In partnership with Centre Pompidou and Région Centre-Val de Loire


pdf program


The exhibition ‘History of alliances with the beaver people’ by Suzanne Husky offers a unique adventure combining art, nature and ecological commitment.

Two works have been chosen as counterpoints:


  • Luc Ferrari, Music Promenade (1964-1969)


and by Su-Mei Tse, Écho, 2003, an immersion in the landscape where the sound dimension is central to approaching it from a sensory and poetic angle.




Oct. 04,  2024__Turin, Italy


Turin Conservatory



Esterno GAM @ MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale

Via San Domenico, 11


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue (1977) version for three instruments and tape
  • Société I (1965) for seven performers and audience-ensemble




Sept. 28, 2024__Turin, Italy


Turin Conservatory



Galleria d’Italia

Piazza San Carlo, 156


pdf program


  • À la recherche du rythme perdu – réflexion sur l’écriture n°2 (1978)

Davide Boosta Dileo – pianoforte




Sept. 27, 2024__Sion, Switzerland


Promenade des Pêcheurs 10

A La Ferme-Asile de Sion


pdf program


  • Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps, 25’09’’, 1974

Performed by Emmanuel Richer (GRM)

On the GRM acousmonium




August 24-25, 2024__Crest, France

Espace Soubeyran

75, avenue Jean Rabot




00h00 to 08h00, Nuit Blanche de l’acousmatique

During the Nuit Blanche de Futura (night of 24 to 25 August):


  • Bernard Parmegiani, La création du monde
  • Denis Dufour, Hentaï
  • Luc Ferrari, Les Arythmiques




August 2024__ Bandcamp

New release from Luc Ferrari

Just released Complete Works 06, from Luc Ferrari published by Maison ONA

Maison ONA link

Bandcamp link


  • Algérie 76 N° 1, 2 et 3

This album is gathering a never released before triptych about Algeria. A social portrait captured in the years following the country’s painful independence, and before the president’s untimely death who embodied it. An unvarnished report, in which Luc is in the field. A rare, first-hand account of the brightest period in the country’s recent history — when “hope” was on everyone’s lips.


Refer to the Lyrics section for full French/Arabic transcription and translation, available for the first time.


— also included two bonus tracks! Traditional songs performed by Fatouma (voice and percussion) and produced by Luc Ferrari after their encounter in Paris.




May 15-16-17, 2024__Alfortville, France

La Muse en Circuit,

18 rue Marcelin Berthelot




Over the course of three evenings dedicated to women musicians, FF.XP will be spotlighting the works of:

Else Marie Pade Jacqueline Nova Nicole Lachartre Brunhild Ferrari Maryanne Amacher,

to name but a few.


With Carole Rieussec, Guillaume Kosmicki, Cie Motus, wi watt’heure(Revue & Corrigée), Esther Ferrer, Elena Biserna, Olivier Lamarche, and other guest musicians.


online booking

program & rebroadcasting online

pdf program

La Muse en Circuit streaming




April 25, 2024__London, United Kingdom


Open City Documentary Festival



  • N’importe quoi (for Brunhild), a film by Luke Fowler / 2023 / UK / 9′ / 16mm / French & English spoken


An evocative portrait of “musique concrete” composer Brunhild Meyer-Ferrari, shot by Luke Fowler over a few hours spent together in March 2023. Brunhild is filmed in her studio, amongst her tapes and equipment, but also recording sound for the film in the streets of Paris, in public spaces such as a park and at Gare de l’Est, where trains from Germany arrive. Brunhild herself moved from Aachen to Paris in 1959 where she would meet and marry the composer Luc Ferrari. She was his closest collaborator for 40 years, and in the two decades since he passed away, she’s taken care of the preservation of his archive, and she’s released her own music.  


program online

pdf program

essay by Phil Coldiron on N’importe quoi




April 25 to 28, 2024__Malmö, Sweden

Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29



Concert, Lecture/talk


April 25


  • Far West News, part I. Performer: Fabio Monni

online program

pdf program


April 26


  • Workshop with Eleonora M. Ravasi as an introduction to the concerts on Luc Ferrari’s pieces performed during the festival.

online program

programme pdf


April 26


  • Screening of Presque Rien avec Luc Ferrari (50′), a film by Jacqueline Caux & Olivier Pascal

online program

pdf program


April 26


  • Far West News, part II. Performed by Eleonora M. Ravasi

analysis / thoughts of Far West News


April 27


  • Musique Promenade
  • Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps. Performed by Eleonora M. Ravasi

online program

pdf program


April 27


  • Far West News, part III. Performer: Alessandro Perini

online program

pdf program




April 16, 2024__New York, USA


GPS, Giorno Poetry Systems

222 Bowery, NY 10012

online program

pdf program


Luke Fowler and David Grubbs celebrate the work of Brunhild Ferrari.

  • Screening of N’Importe Quoi (for Brunhild)
  • Performance by Luke Fowler and David Grubbs
  • Conversation between Luke Fowler and David Grubbs




March 27, 2024__Tübingen, Germany


Old Anatomy of the University of Tübingen, Österbergstraße 3


“Écorché ! Anatomy of the dance”

Friedemann Vogel, first soloist at the Stuttgart Ballet, has conceived a dance performance on Luc Ferrari’s composition:

  • Presque Rien avec filles


Followed by a lecture by dance and theatre scholar Prof. Dr Gabriele Brandstetter (FU Berlin)

The performance will be recorded on video




March 06, 2024__Cologne, Germany

Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln

Unter Krahnenbäumen 87 – D-50668 Cologne

T +49 221 28380-0

ONA link


  • Cellule 75  for piano and percussion

    from Luc Ferrari

by Yukari Yagi & Carlos Lopes




March 01, 2024__Paris, France


Souffle Continu

22 Rue Gerbier, 75011 Paris

Soundohm link


Presentation of

  • Extérieur-Jour

  • Le Piano Englouti (original version from 2012)

    from Brunhild Ferrari

    with the presence of Christoph Heemann

    published by Streamline




February 04-11-18-25, 2024__Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sonic Acts Biennial 2024
Listening Room

online program

pdf program



  • Tête et queue du dragon(4 track version)




January 13, 2024__Paris, France


Petit Palais

av. Winston Churchill, 75008

“Alcôme – musiques électroacoustiques, acousmatiques et expérimentales”

online program

pdf program


Siestes électroacoustiques –  Electroacoustic naps
concert 02 portrait Luc Ferrari


  • Presque rien n°1 le lever du jour au bord de la mer (1970) 20’45

  • Presque rien n°2 ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple (1977) 21’00

  • Presque rien avec filles (1989) 14’00

  • Presque rien n°4 ou la remontée du village (1990-1998) 16’00


Performer: Jonathan Prager on Alcôme acousmonium




October 26, 2023__Berlin, Germany


Studiofoyer Akademie der Künste
Hanseatenweg 10 – 10557 Berlin

online program

pdf program


A barely believable transition between two worlds.

Art and internationalization before the fall of the Wall.

With works by : Frederic Rzewski, Luc Ferrari, Clara Maïda, Karen Power


  • Presque rien N° 1 by Luc Ferrari

In cooperation with the Berliner Künstlerprogramm of the DAAD




October 18, 2023__Paris, France


Bar Le Chair de Poule, 141 rue Saint Maur

program flyer


  • Société 1 (1965) text score from Luc Ferrari for 7 performers and the audience

Performed by two different ensembles from a wide range of backgrounds.




October 09, 2023__Osaka, Japan

601 Nippo Life Hohan Nishi, 2-19-10 Hanaten-Nishi, Joto-ku, Osaka City 536-0011

Higashiosaka City Hall

program flyer


  • Cellule 75 (1975)



Tomonori Okada Composer and Dr, student in AUA

Hyun Ah Kwon (Art)

Hikari Nishikawa (Piano)

Nagata Tetsuto (Percussion)


This concert will be recorded on video.




September 29-30, 2023__Biel, Switzerland


online program

pdf program

flyer of the event


September 29__ Gärbi, Gerbergasse 25 – 2502 Biel

Round table discussion / Listening room: What do I hear when I listen? / Was höre ich, wenn ich zuhöre?

 (Moderated by Christoph Schiess, Gaudenz Badrutt)


September 29__Le Singe, Rue Basse 21 – 2502 Biel

  • Tautologos I (1961) – electronic music (5′)
  • Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone (1985) (45′) – Gilles Grimaitre
  • Archives Sauvées des Eaux (2000) – for two audio performers (50′) – eRikm, electronics / Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics

total duration: 2h


September 30__ Gärbi, Gerbergasse 25 – 2502 Biel

Round table discussion / Listening room: In fact, who do you compose for? (moderated by Christoph Schiess, Gaudenz Badrutt)

with Tautologos III (1969), concert by workshop participants (15′)


September 30__Le Singe, Rue Basse 21 – 2502 Biel

  • Visage I (1956) for piano (6′), Gilles Grimaitre
  • Visage V (1959) – Musique concrète (11’)
  • Tautologos III (1969) – for ensemble and tape (30′) –  Bruit-Group for Music Creation: Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics / Estelle Beiner, violin / Jacques Demierre, piano / Jonas Kocher, accordion / Stephen Menotti, trombone / Manon Pierrehumbert, harp / Christian Wolfarth, percussion
  • Chronopolis I (1982) – Film (Stop-Motion-Sci-Fi) by Piotr Kamler, music by Luc Ferrari (duration 52′)
  • Presque rien No 2 « Ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple » (1977) – tape (21′)

 total duration: 2h


Supporting program:

– Thursday 14 and 21 September, 19h00-21h00 KUFA Biel – Kulturfabrik KUFA Lyss

Werdtstrasse 17 – 3250 Lyss : Workshop Tautologos III (part 1 & 2), with Estelle Beiner

– Saturday 23. September 2023, 15h00-17h00 KUFA Biel: Workshop Tautologos III (Part 3), with Estelle Beiner

– Sunday 1. October 2023, 14h00-18h00 KUFA Biel: Workshop Improvisation with eRikm


Gaudenz Badrutt, art direction

Jonas Kocher, art direction assistant, production

Association Bruit, production, incoproduction with KartellCultur


“Listening to Ferrari. Autoethnographic listening analysis of Les Archives Sauvées des Eaux and Les Arythmiques by Luc Ferrari” ::: “Ferrari hören. Auto-ethnographische Höranalysen von Luc Ferraris Les Archives Sauvées des Eaux und Les Arythmiques by Gaudenz Badrutt

Thesis – University of Bern ::: Dissertation – Universität Bern

<> read the thesis online in German

<> read the abstract online in German

<> download the thesis in German




September 24, 2023__Lisbon, Portugal


O’culto da Ajuda – art music centre because sound matters

Tv. Zebras 25, Lisboa

online program

pdf program


  • Presque Rien Nr. 1: lever du jour au bord de la mer (1967/1970) from Luc Ferrari




September 12, 2023__Haddington, Scotland


Lammermuir Festival 2023

 St. Mary’s Parish Church

 Sidegate, Haddington EH41 4BZ

online program

pdf programme


  • Programme commun, Musique socialiste ? (1972) from Luc Ferrari

Harpsichord with electronics: Mahan Esfahani


Other works featured during the program:

– Overture to Orpheus de Louis Andriessen

– meer.licht (honey.sea.light) de Oscar Jockel

– Rain Dreaming de Toru Takemitsu




August 11-12-13,  2023__Sant’Agata Dé Goti, Italy


Cross Cities

Cantine Mustilli – 20 Via dei Fiori

program online

concert flyer


video room / installazioni / fotografia / audio room / danza /

arte visiva/ teatro / audio live / vr / sculpura / performance




  • Stürmische Ruhe (2014) 29’07 

from Brunhild Meyer-Ferrari & Christoph Heemann




July 29, 2023__Tokyo, Japan


Tokyo concerts lab

2-3-18, Nishi-waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan

program online


  • Madame de Shanghai

Flutes:  Dogen Kinowaki, Yuri Matsuzaki & Takahiro Uchiyama




July 24-25, 2023__Siena, Italy

Chigiana International Festival & Summer Academy 2023

tel. 0577-220922

program online


La musica del nostro tempo

GRM – L’esperienza acusmatica

July 24, 25 and 26 by GRM, with in the programme:


  • Presque rien N°2 – ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple  

    from Luc Ferrari July 24


  • L’œil écoute

    from Bernard Parmegiani – July 25




July 06, 2023__Tel Aviv, Israel


Tzlil Meudcan Festival – Studio Annette

Shvil Ha-Meretz 2, Tel Aviv

program online


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue

from Luc Ferrari

by the Ensemble Zone Expérimentale, cond. Ilan Volkov




June 30, 2023__Vanves, France


Théâtre de Vanves, salle Panopée

11 Avenue Jacques Jezequel, 92170 Vanves


by the PSPBB (Pôle Supérieur Paris Boulogne-Billancourt)


  • Les Arythmiques – 2003

Sound projection by Jonathan Prager




June 30, 2023__Basel, Switzerland


Cahn Kunstraum | Steinentorstrasse 19

Cahn & Klappfon present




Brunhild Ferrari:


  • Extérieur Jour (2014) – 10 min – created at l’Atelier post-billig, Paris
  • Brumes du réveil (2009) – 28 min – created at l’Atelier post-billig, Paris




June 12, 2023__Tokyo, Japan

University of the Arts

concert flyer

program online 1

program online 2


  • Études d’improvisation / Improvisation studies

Performers: Hyun-Mook Lim

+ students




June 07, 2023__Montreuil, France

Les Instants Chavirés
7 Rue Richard Lenoir, 93100 Montreuil

program online




#Ferns Recordings & Les Instants Chavirés present an evening of concerts and listening around the composer Brunhild Ferrari and the composer Christoph Heemann.


Christophe Heemann will play an improvisation based on excerpts from “End of an era”, his latest record released in January 2023 on the Montreuil label Ferns Recordings.


The second part of the evening will be devoted to the performance of two pieces written by Brunhild Ferrari: “Le piano englouti” and “Brumes du réveil”.




June 01 to August 19, 2023__Köln, Germany

Galerie Gisela Capitain
St. Apern Strasse 26 / 50667 Köln

program online


Screenings of documentaries:


N’importe quoi (for Brunhild)

and other works by Luke Fowler with Brunhild Ferrari and Cerith Wyn Evans




March 13, 2023__Basel, Switzerland

Académie de musique


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue

by the Ensemble Zone expérimentale (10 musicians)

Conductor: Yaron Deutsch




January 14, 19, 21, 2023__Munich, Germany



Gärtnerplatz 3, 80469 München 

program online


Der Sturm – The Tempest

Ballet by Ina Christel Johannessen

Orchestra and Ballet of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz

Music by Georg Friedrich Händel, Frédéric Chopin, and

  • Didascalies from Luc Ferrari




November 09, 2022__Berlin, Germany

Black Truffle Festival pt.2

Eiko Ishibashi + Will Guthrie + Brunhild Ferrari & Christoph Heemann

arkaoda Berlin

Karl-Marx Platz 16 12043 Berlin

program online


  • Le piano englouti from Brunhild Ferrari
  • Stürmische Ruhe from Brunhild Ferrari & Christoph Heemann
  • End of an Era from Christoph Heemann


performed by Christoph Heemann & Brunhild Ferrari




November 06, 2022__Köln Ehrenfeld, Germany

Konzert in der Reihe M – im Loft
Venloer Str 274


  • Le piano englouti from Brunhild Ferrari
  • Stürmische Ruhefrom Brunhild Ferrari & Christoph Heemann
  • End of an Era from Christoph Heemann


performed by Christoph Heemann & Brunhild Ferrari




October 28, 2022__Alfortville, France

La Muse en Circuit

16-18 Rue Marcelin Berthelot

program online

flyer pdf / program 1 pdf / program 2 pdf

event teaser


As part of the 40th anniversary of LA MUSE EN CIRCUIT founded by Luc Ferrari


Jérôme Florenville : Une autre écoute est possible (Another listening is possible), premiere of the documentary on the history of La Muse en Circuit.




October 27, 2022__Berlin, Germany

KM28 Karl-Marx-Str. 28, 12043 Berlin

organized by Ignaz Schick & Werner Dafeldecker


  • Ephémère 1 – “l’Ordinateur ça sert à quoi?” (What’s the use of computers) pour bande seule (1974)

performed by Wolfgang Musil




October 16, 2022__Münster, Germany

Achtermannstr. 12

48143 Münster

mail reservation : / web reservation


Black Box/cuba-cultur

aufabwegen presents:

— Geräuschwelten Festival 2022 —


Brunhild Ferrari (F) / Christoph Heemann (D) / Crys Cole (CAN)


  • Le piano englouti from Brunhild Ferrari
  • Stürmische Ruhefrom Brunhild Ferrari & Christoph Heemann
  • End of an Era from Christoph Heemann
  • New Piecefrom Crys Cole




October 11,14, 2022__Munich, Germany

Gärtnerplatz 3, 80469 München 

online program


Der SturmThe Tempest

Ballet by Ina Christel Johannessen

Orchestra & Ballet of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz

                  Music from Georg Friedrich Händel, Frédéric Chopin, and


  • Didascalies (2004) from Luc Ferrari




October 06, 2022__Besançon, France


Conservatory Grand Besançon – Cité des Arts


  • Monologos (1970) – duration indefinite

for solo voice and electroacoustic device


Performed by Géraldine Keller




October 1, 2022__Alfortville, France

La Muse en Circuit

16-18 Rue Marcelin Berthelot

program online / program online Paris Nuit Blanche

flyer pdf / program 1 pdf / program 2 pdf

event teaser


As part of the 40th anniversary of LA MUSE EN CIRCUIT founded by Luc Ferrari

During the Nuit blanche with Cie Motus, L’Émoi sonneur, CFA Pietragalla-Derouault, ONDIF, Abbi Patrix & Wilfried Wendling ! POC !, Alfortville.


  • Etudes d’improvisation by Luc Ferrari




September 20 to October 04,  2022__Alfortville, France

La Muse en Circuit

16-18 Rue Marcelin Berthelot

program online

flyer pdf / program 1 pdf / program 2 pdf

event teaser


As part of the 40th anniversary of LA MUSE EN CIRCUIT founded by Luc Ferrari


Exposition “La Muse en Circuit : 1982 > 2022” | Galerie Le 148, 148 Rue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 94140 Alfortville




September 15, 2022__Paris, France


Le Souffle Continu

22 Rue Gerbier, 75011 Paris

event website / article pdf


presentation, in presence of Brunhild Ferrari and Christoph Heemann of their vinyl disc

  • Stürmische Ruhe


released on Black Truffle records

– The Best Contemporary Classical on Bandcamp: June 2022


and presentation in presence of Jonathan Fitoussi of the disc

  • Solitude Transit from Luc Ferrari


released on Transversales

– Bandcamp – sound excerpt




September 10, 2022__Mosnes, France

Mosnes en fête

37530 Mosnes


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue – Réflexion sur l’écriture N°1 (reflection on the writing Nr. 1)

By the l’ensemble PTYX




September 09, 2022__Alfortville, France

La Muse en Circuit

16-18 Rue Marcelin Berthelot

program online

program Tautologuons Ensemble pdf



As part of the 40th anniversary of LA MUSE EN CIRCUIT founded by Luc Ferrari


Anniversary evening: « TAUTOLOGUONS ENSEMBLE » / « LET’S TAUTOLOGIZE TOGETHER », the soundinitiative ensemble proposes a shifted and humorous tour of Luc Ferrari’s performative pieces.



  • Société VI Liberté, Liberté Chérie

action for solo audience


  • A la recherche du rythme perdu – Réflexion sur l’écriture N° 2

for piano, percussion and sound support


  • Monologos

for 3 solo voices and electronic device


  • Société 1

for ensemble of 7 directors and audience


  • Tautologos III

for any group of instruments


  • J’ai tort, j’ai tort, j’ai mon très grand tort

for mixed choir




August 27, 2022__Crest, France

Festival Futura

Espace Soubeyran

75 avenue Jean Rabot, 26400 Crest


Atako Sato performs:


  • Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps from Luc Ferrari


during the all-night «nuit blanche» on August 27, closing the Futura Festival.




August 26, 2022__Crest, France


Festival Futura

75 avenue Jean Rabot, 26400 Crest


Atako Sato performs:


  • Presque rien N°4 La remontée du village – Climbing the village (1990-1998) 16’00




July 31, 2022__Neuvy-le-Roi, France

festival Les in:entendues

37370 Neuvy-le-Roi


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue – Réflexion sur l’écriture N°1 (reflection on the writing Nr. 1)

By the l’ensemble PTYX




July 09, 2022__Lhomme, France

Domaine La Richardière

72340 Lhomme


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue – Réflexion sur l’écriture N°1 (reflection on the writing Nr. 1)

By the l’ensemble PTYX




July 3, 2022__Montsoreau, France


« Jardin aux sons »

49730 Montsoreau


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue – Réflexion sur l’écriture N°1 (reflection on the writing Nr. 1)

By the l’ensemble PTYX




June 12, 2022__Baltimore, USA


Shriver Hall – Johns Hopkins University

3400 N. Charles St, Shriver Hall, Ste 14 – Baltimore, MD 21218-2698

phone: 410-516-7164 –


Shriver Hall Concert Series

event website


  • Programme commun for Harpsichord and Tape

by Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord




May 25, 2022__Munich, Germany


Gärtnerplatz 3, 80469 München

event website


Der SturmThe Tempest

Ballet by Ina Christel Johannessen

Orchestra & Ballet of the  Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz


Music from Georg Friedrich Händel, Frédéric Chopin, and


  • Didascalies from Luc Ferrari


Performances at 19:30 the following days : May 25 World Premiere / May 28 / June 01, 12 & 25 / July 12 & 15 / October 11 & 14 / January 2023, 14, 19 & 21.




May 15, 2022__Romainville, France


Conservatoire Nina Simone

79 Avenue du Président Wilson – 93063 Romainville


PIANO on all levels!

Works for piano, prepared piano, toy piano & Fender Rhodes piano.

Erik Satie – John Cage – Luc Ferrari

performed by Michel Maurer


Luc Ferrari :

  • A la recherche du rythme perdu – In search of the lost rhythm
  • Extrait du Journal Intime – Extract from the Journal Intime       




May 07, 2022__La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland


Festival LES AMPLITUDES 10th Edition

4+5+6+7+8 MAY 2022

Au-delà – Temple Farel

event website


For health reasons, harpsichordist Mahan Esfahani will unfortunately not be able to perform this Saturday, 7 March, Programme commun pour clavecin et bande. In its place the programme includes


Luc Ferrari :

  • Presque rien N° 2 (1977)

    « Ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple » for electronics


In homage to Luc Ferrari, the very first guest of AMPLITUDES.




May 01, 2022__Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, France


Grange Babel

1 Rue Jean Jaurès – 37700 Saint-Pierre-des-Corps (Indre et Loire)

event website


Ensemble PTYX in a large group around 2 essential works of the 2nd half of the 20th century: “In C” by Terry Riley


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue by Luc Ferrari


The programme will be completed by two pieces by Eve Beglarian.




April 01, 2022__The Hague, Netherlands

Orient-Occident by Iannis Xenakis,

in spatialisation at the Conservatoriumzaal Amare



Luc Ferrari :

  • Tête et queue du dragon
  • Ephémère




March 25, 2022__Paris, France


Le Souffle Continu

22 Rue Gerbier, 75011 Paris


  • Performance to celebrate the release of the double album “…et après?” (Label Alga Marghen)

with Hélène Breschand, Sylvain Kassap, Franck Masquelier and Brunhild Ferrari




January 21, 2022__Osaka, Japan


Toyonaka Performing Arts Center

3 Chome-7-2 Sonehigashinocho, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0802


Toyonaka Arts Tribe N° 4


Programming January 21, 2021 postponed to January 2022.

event website


  • Cellule 75, Force du rythme et cadence forcée

for piano, percussion and tape – 1975


piano : Kenichi Nakagawa

percussion : Yasuko Miyamoto




January 12, 2022__Concertzender, Netherlands



Electronic Frequencies

event website


This edition presents a selection by Thijs Geritz of works by Luc Ferrari (1929 – 2005)




November 13, 2021__Mons, Belgium


Théâtre Arsonic Mons – Auditorium Rue de Nimy 138

event website


  • À la recherche du rythme perdu 

for piano/tambourines/voice and sounds recorded on media

by the Trio

Henry Fourès piano – Carlo Rizzo tambourines en frame – Benat Achiary voice




November 04, 2021__Clermont-Ferrand, France


23rd festival Musiques Démesurées
from 27 October to 12 November2021
Musique d’Aujourd’hui à Clermont – Musée Bargoin

event website

“Musiques d’avenir aux sons passés”

Presented by Yoann SANSON


With electroacoustic pieces from
Brunhild Meyer-Ferrari and Tomonari Higaki




September 20, 2021__Tokyo, Japan

SHIBAURA HOUSE 5F Bird Room / 3-15-4

Shibaura Minato-ku, 108-0023

event website

event pictures

info jwcm

jwcm (Japanese Women’s Composers Meeting)

avec Beatriz Ferreyra, Johanna Beyer…


  • Brumes du réveil  (2009 – 28 minutes) from Brunhild Ferrari

by Ai Watanabe




September 09 to 12, 2021__Noirmoutier, France

Les Docs de Noirmoutier

Le Mimosa

event website


  • Presque Rien n° 2 from Luc Ferrari

Round table discussion with Guillaume Contré on September 10




July 9, 2021__Cannes, France

Festival de Cannes 2021

event website

Grand Théâtre Lumière at midnight on Friday, July 9 (during the night from Friday to Saturday)



ORANGES SANGUINES (BLOODY ORANGES) directed by  Jean-Christophe Meurisse

Movie including

  • Didascalies from Luc Ferrari




July 03, 2021__Lithuania

OXYMORA Festival


  • Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue

ensemble ad lib. & audio

by ensemble ‘ARTISANS’


No link… but here is the designer’s website for more info




June 18, 2021__Zagreb, Croatia


Zagreb Dance Center

Ilica 10/1- 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


  • Tête et queue du dragon

4-track version


in the framework of an European partnership with the GRM.


Organized by kontejner zagreb




May 15, 2021__Lublin, Poland


The Centre for Culture

13. Festival of Traditional and Avantgarde Music CODES 12-15 May 2021

Main Auditorium The Centre for Culture in Lublin / 12 Peowiaków Street


  • Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone from Luc Ferrari


by Małgorzata Walentynowicz




April 29, 2021__Basel, Switzerland

Musikwissenschaftliches Institut University Basel

“what you see – is what you get – is what you hear” – Duo frKRr
Live-Konzert plus Live-Stream

event website


starting with :


  • Monologos – 1970 – from Luc Ferrari

For solo voice and electroacoustic device.
Without fixed duration.


Performed by Anne-May Krüger (Mezzo-soprano); Andreas Eduardo Frank (Composer, Performer)




April 08, 2021__Experiment 6 – South London Scratch Night Online, UK

Streamed event by Experiment 6

event website




  • Strathoven by Luc Ferrari


Choregraphy and performance by Delicia Sefiha




March 22, 2021__Seoul, Korea

Ilsin Music Hall

98 Hannam-daero, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu

event website


“Arche from Baroque“, 4th concert


program :

  • S. Bach _ BWV 527 Organ trio sonata D minor
  • Jisun Yang (1979-) _ Didgeridoo for Recorder quartet (2020*)
  • Giovanni Antonio Bertoli _ Sonata 8 for bassoon solo, arrangement for Viola da gamba, bassoon & harpsichord
  • Jongwoo Yim _ New Work for Paetzold recorder and harpsichord and electronics (2020*)
  • Ned McGowan (1970-) _ Workshop for Recorder and tape
  • Luc Ferrari (1929-2005) _ Programme Commun for Harpsichord and tape (1972), by Arend Grosfeld


recorder – kyuri Kim, harpsichord – Arend Grosfeld, baroque bassoon – Hyemin Kim




February 06, 2021__Tokyo, Japan

Opera City Recital Hall

3 Chome-20-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023

Ensemble NOMAD under the direction of Norio Sato

Regular Concert #71: Living Together Vol.3 – Beyond the Border


Programme :

  • Dithyramb (1996) from Jo Kondo –  video
  • Tautologos III – Version Chicago for any choice of instruments (1969) from Luc Ferrari – video
  • Luster Gave Her the Hat and He and Ben Went Across the Backyard (1975) from Jo Kondo – vidéo
  • Tautologos III – version for 11 instruments (1970) from Luc Ferrari – vidéo
  • New Work (2020) from Jo Kondo




05 février 2021__Bandcamp

For this anniversary today of Luc Ferrari, after the release of Presque rien N° 1, 2, 3 & 4

on Recollection GRM , here is the reprint of the CD Presque rien from 1995 © 2021 INA GRM




January 28, 2021__Osaka, Japan


Toyonaka Performing Arts Center

3 Chome-7-2 Sonehigashinocho, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0802

Toyonaka Arts Tribe N° 4


Trance music Festival website

Concert schedule changed. This programme will take place on January 21, 2022


  • Cellule 75, Force du rythme et cadence forcée – for piano, percussion and tape – 1975


piano : Kenichi Nakagawa

percussion : Yasuko Miyamoto




from November 23__YouTube

Ars Musica Solid·Ars
Tribute to Luc Ferrari / J-Ph. Collard-Neven

YouTube link

Ars Musica link


Ars Musica
Concert on November 23 at: Théâtre des Martyrs Festival Ars Musica 2020 Solid·Ars

Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven performs:


  • Collection de petites pièces (ou 36 enfilades pour piano et magnétophone), for piano and tape (November 1984-April 1985)
  • Fragments du journal intime, piano solo (1980-1982/revised 1995)
  • CLAP (for Mauricio Kagel), for piano and tape (June-October 1991)




November 18, 2020__Kanagawa, Japan


1-11-1 Asao, Kamiasao, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 215-8558

Showa University of Music South School Building 1F Studio Brio


ACOUSMONIUM –  Orchestra of Speakers –

  • Music Promenade by Luc Ferrari




October 10, 2020__Remote Logos

after failure on Aug. 22


Tautologos III from Luc Ferrari

Live streaming on YouTube hosted by People, Places and Things

Link to the performance

Remote Logos performs Luc Ferrari’s Tautologos Ⅲ – YouTube (available until February 5th 2021)

Donations welcome: (via paypal)


1st part: Gak Sato – theremine, Yingzi Li – erhu, Ayako Sato – synthethizer
Aï Watanabe – rainstick, Takuma Kuragaki – computer, Kokichi Yanagisawa – acoustic guitar

2nd part : Gak Sato – tuning forks, Yingzi Li – maotai + eau gazeuse
Ayako Sato – synthétiseur + action with Luc Ferrari’s records, Aï Watanabe – sound files of Luc Ferrari

Takuma Kuragaki – ordinateur, Kokichi Yanagisawa – books + bear bell




September 20, 2020__Strasbourg, France

19 :00

Église Saint-Paul, 5 Rue du Parchemin


The GRM, The Metaboles

INA GRM opens its Multiphonies 2020-2021 season by partnering with the Musica Festival for two evenings of concerts on September 20 and 24. The first will take place at the Dominicans de Haute-Alsace in Guebwiller, and the second at the Saint-Paul Church in Strasbourg.

Tête et queue du dragon (1959-1960)




Septembre 19, 2020__Guebwiller, France

14 :00 to 18 :00

CCR The Dominicans of Haute-Alsace

Park of the Château de la Neuenbourg

As part of the European Heritage Days, in addition to the concert on September 20, the GRM was invited to play works from the electroacoustic repertoire in the Dominican convent.

Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps




September 6, 2020__Radio France – France Musique

23 :30

by François Bonnet

Link to the radio show


• Documentary : “Homage to David Jisse”
Author, composer-performer, radio producer on France Musique and France Culture, David Jisse was close to the GRM and Luc Ferrari. He assisted the latter in founding La Muse en Circuit which he directed from 1998 to 2013. He passed away at the age of 74 on July 18, 2020.

A documentary by Alexandre Bazin in homage to David Jisse with Brunhild Ferrari, and the INA archives: Luc Ferrari, David Jisse, Dominique Marge, Christian Zanési and Christophe Bourseiller.




September 4, 2020__Trieste, Italy

20 :30

CHAOS, Teatro Miela

Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3, 34132 – Trieste – tel. 040 3477672



by cantierezero / collective for new music


Rafal Zalech, viola

Stefania Amisano, piano

Giorgio Klauer, live electronics




August 31, 2020__Radio Kapital, Poland

23 :30

Radio broadcast by Piotr Tkacz

Link to the radio show


compositions from Brunhild Ferrari:

  • Dérivatif (2008)
  • Brumes Du Réveil (2009)
  • Tranquilles Impatiences (2010)

Another Sub Rosa Production SRV 354 (2013)


  • Le Piano Englouti (2012) with viola by Vincent Royer

Mode records 2015, mode 285




August 22, 2020__YouTube

20 :00

Remote Logos performs

Tautologos III from Luc Ferrari

Live streaming on YouTube hosted by People, Places and Things

20 :00 Japan Standard Time – JST (UTC +9)

Link to the live streaming on YouTube

Facebook link



Gak Sato – theremin

Yingzi Li – erhu

Ayako Sato – synthesizer

Aï Watanabe – gadget and toys

Takuma Kuragaki – computer

Kokichi Yanagisawa – guitar


Donations welcome: (via paypal)




March 20, 2020__Montreuil, France

20 :00

Conservatoire de musique et de danse
13 Avenue de la Résistance, 93100 Montreuil
M° 9 – Croix de Chavaux


Works from John Cage and Luc Ferrari within:

• Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone

piano: Michel Maurer




February 29, 2020__Paris, France

17 :30

Le Souffle Continu – 22 Rue Gerbier, 75011 Paris

M° 2 – Philippe Auguste.  M° 9 – Voltaire

website event


Presentation and Signature of the book-album Wolfgang MEYER-TORMIN and LUC FERRARI



With Brunhild Ferrari, author of the limited publication

And Catherine Marcangeli, co-editor and translator of the book Luc Ferrari COMPLETE WORKS published by Ecstatic Peace Library



2 CDs recorded on the piano by Michel MAURER.

Disc 1 – works by Wolfgang Meyer Tormin

Disc 2 – works by Luc Ferrari


During this presentation:


• A la recherche du rythme perdu – 1978


piano: Michel Maurer




February 06, 2020__Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland

13 :10-14 :00

Harty Room, Music Building, Main Site, University Road, BT71NN


Pianist Xenia Pestova Bennett presents Luc Ferrari’s masterpiece


• Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone

to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the composer’s birth. These witty, virtuosic miniatures are a whirlwind exploration of style, riven with quotations from other composers including Schumann and Brahms.




February 04, 2020__Paris, France
19 :30

6, Cité de l’Ameublement – 75011 Paris
Galerie UNIVER




In partnership with Motus and La Muse en Circuit as well as with the gallery Univer who kindly hosts this event.


Introduction by members of the jury and discussion with the candidates who may  be present.


The PRESQUE RIEN Association has selected for the fifth edition of its competition creators who have used sounds made available to them and coming from Luc Ferrari’s archives.
The evening will include listening to the winner’s works, the award ceremony and a drink of friendship.


First Prize
– Manfredi Clemente • A sonno che sogna di not sognare (10’32)


Second Prize
– Hugo Grenier • Zéphyr (7’35)


Third Prize
– Kyohei Hayashi • Tulipe Tulipe Tulipe (10’19)


Special Mentions ex aequo –
– Yunju Ma • Ce jour là (9’29)
– Vincent Grimaldi • Siesta (9’26)


Mention Debate and Controversies
– Félix Blume • À l’écoute de Presque Rien (7’37)


The number of places is limited, please confirm your arrival at:




February 01, 2020__Kyoto, Japan
14 :00 to 17 :00

Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha Women’s College
Room R001, Rakushin-kan Building


Symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Luc Ferrari
“Multiplicity of the creative activity of Luc Ferrari: its development and possibilities for the present time”.
Coordinator: Ryosuke Shiina (Doshisha Women’s College)
Speakers: Christophe Charles (University of Arts of Musashino), Haruyuki Suzuki (Composer), Ryosuke Shiina




January 17, 2020__Paris, France
20 :30

INA-GRM, Multiphonies 19/20 – AKOUSMA
Le 104, 5 rue Curial – 75019 Paris

104 website


Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue
performed by Tiziana BERTONCINI, Antonin GERBAL, David GRUBBS, Ji Youn KANG, Thomas LEHN, eRikm, et Dafne VICENTE-SANDOVAL




December 30, 2019__Tokyo, Japan
19 :30

Stereo Spasms for Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

at ftarri in Suidobashi
( #B1 Okano build., Hongo1-4-11, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)

event poster


“To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari’s birth, musicians will perform his composition


• Tautologos Ⅲ
and have a session using sounds from his sound archive.”

Masashi Isai(guitar)
Ayako Sato(electronics)
Kokichi Yanagisawa(guitar)
Yingzi Li(erhu)
Ai Watanabe
Gak Sato
Takuma Kuragaki

※ musicians may play other instruments as well.




December 19, 2019__La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

19 :00

Théâtre ABC – Coq 11

Tél. +41 32 967 90 43



FERRARI 90 – REVISITED, Anniversary concert – Premiere

An evening imagined by the duo Kristoff K.Roll on the occasion of Luc Ferrari’s 90th birthday.

Under a “portrait-form” Kristoff K.Roll offer a musical improvisation with archive sounds of Luc Ferrari.

Evening designed by Carole Rieussec and J-Kristoff Camps.
With the participation of Mireille Bellenot.




December 2, 2019__Tokyo, Japan
16 :30

Musashino Art University – Kodaira


• Conference by Ryosuke Shina on « Les Grandes Répétitions » (the great rehearsals)

followed by the projection of films from the same series by Luc Ferrari and Gérard Patris :

• Hommage à Edgar Varèse

• Momente from Karlheinz Stockhausen




November 29,  2019__Cologne, Germany

18 :00 to 22 :00

Sound Studies
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcus Erbe
Dr. Leopoldo Siano
Albertus-Magnus-Platz. D-50923 Köln


Raum-Musik   Aktuell (2019)


For his 90th birthday

Music promenade (1964-1969)

A sound installation




November 29, 2019__Montreuil, France

20 :30

Stereo Spasms for Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil – salle Jean-Pierre Vernant

10 Place Jean Jaurès,  Montreuil – M° Mairie de Montreuil

As part of the Festival “Mesure pour Mesure”


event poster


eRikm & Scanner – electronics

• Archives sauvées des eaux – Exploitation des concepts n°1 (2000) – 48 min


Hélène Breschand – harp

• À la recherche du rythme perdu (1978) – 20 min



• Le piano englouti (2012) – 17 min

by Brunhild Ferrari




November 28, 2019__Montreuil, France

20 :30

Stereo Spasms for Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

Instants Chavirés

7 rue Richard Lenoir – 93100 Montreuil – M° Robespierre


event poster


Michel Maurer – piano

• Collection de petites pièces, ou 36 enfilades pour Piano et Magnétophone (1985 – 45 min)

 • Fragments d’un journal intime (1980-1982 – 20 min)




November 20, 2019__Bruxelles, Belgium

20 :00

Ars Musica festival

Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles


• Collection de petites pièces, ou 36 enfilades pour Piano et Magnétophone (1985 – 45 min)

by Xenia Pestova Bennett, piano




November 18-19, 2019__New York, USA

Pioneer Works – 159 Pioneer Street – Brooklyn, NY 11231

program Stereo Spasms

program Film Screenings / Retrospectives


Stereo Spasms

Program One, November 18

Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue (1977)
Stereo tape and free instrumentation
Performers: Tania Chen: piano, David Grubbs: electric guitar, Eli Keszler: percussion,
Jon Leidecker: electronics, Thurston Moore: electric guitar, Matana Roberts: alto saxophone

Les ProtoRythmiques (2004-5)
For two DJs
Performers: Jon Leidecker, Keith Fullerton Whitman


Program Two, November 19

Brunhild Ferrari and David Grubbs in conversation

Ephémère (1974)
Tape alone or to be played with various instruments (free instrumentation)
Four-channel recorded realization by Jim O’Rourke (2019)

Tautologos III (1969; Chicago Version, 2001)
For any group of instruments
Tania Chen: electronics, Brunhild Ferrari: piano, David Grubbs: electric guitar
Eli Keszler: percussion, Jon Leidecker: electronics, Thurston Moore: electric guitar




October 29, 2019__Kyoto, Japan
19 :00

Clover hall, Kambaikan, Doshisha University

Karasuma-higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 602-8580

Luc Ferraris’s 90th Anniversary

Special sessions : Défis et Continuations, La pédagogie musicale en Europe

• Lecture : Yohei Nagano, Ryosuke Shina

• Screening : Projection Les Grandes Répétitions – Cecil Taylor à Paris (Gérard Patris & Luc Ferrari, 1965-1966)




October 29, 2019__London, United Kingdom
19 :00

Performance Space College Building City

University of London St John Street London EC1V 4PB


• Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone

by the pianist Xenia Pestova Bennett for le 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari




October 26, 2019__Berlin, Germany
20 :00

Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4 – Berlin 10117


‘Harpsichord and other Keys’

Musique Socialiste or Programme Commun for harpsichord and tape

by the harpsichordist Mahan Esfahani




October 20, 2019__Osaka University, Japan
13 :25 to 15 :25

Toyonaka Hall, Room 402
90th birthday of Luc Ferrari

Symposium devoted to the 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari: “Diversity of Luc Ferrari’s creative activity: its meaning and actuality” (coordinator: Ryosuke Shiina, contributors: Christophe Charles, Haruyuki Suzuki, Ryosuke Shiina).




September 7, 2019__Linz, Austria
11 :00

Anton Bruckner University

In cooperation with the Ars Electronica Festival

Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone

Kaori Nishii (piano) and Angélica Castelló (sound)




July 21, 2019__Tokyo, Japan
15 :00

Studio A, Tokyo University of the Arts, Adachi

Exercices d’Improvisation

performed by Hyun-Mook Lim




June 14, 2019__Vienna, Austria
20 :00

Alte Schmiede

LQ – Literarisches Quartier | Schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 Wien


Luc Ferrari – Enfilades anecdotiques

Kaori Nishii (piano) et Angélica Castelló(sound)


• Excerpts from Les Anecdotiques – exploitation des concepts no. 6 (2001–2002)

• Collection de petites pièces ou 36 enfilades pour piano et magnétophone (1985)

• Unheimlich schön (1971)

Followed by a talk between Angélica Castelló and Volkmar Klien




June 1st, 2019__Abbeville, France
20 :00


Solo Hélène Breschand: Works from Eliane Radigue and Luc Ferrari

A la recherche du rythme perdu from Luc Ferrari




May 27, 2019__Alfortville, France
18 :00

La Muse en Circuit
18 rue Marcelin Berthelot, 94140 Alfortville – 01 43 78 80 80

On the occasion of the inauguration of its new concert studio the Muse en Circuit celebrates the 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari with his audio-visual installation

Cycle des souvenirs

and in concert, with Hélène Breschand and eRikm

A la recherche du rythme perdu

Archives sauvées des eaux

<> event flyer




May 25, 2019__Essen, Germany
19 :30

Viola Festival at the Folkwang University of the Arts
New Auditorium

Vincent Royer, viola
Jean-Philippe Collard Neven, piano

Rencontres fortuites




May 20, 2019__Paris, France
18 :30

Souffle Continu
20-22 rue Gerbier 75011 Paris (M° Voltaire ou Philippe-Auguste)

With the presence of Thurston Moore, Official Parisian launch of the book

“Luc Ferrari – Complete Works” by Brunhild Ferrari

English version by Catherine Marcangeli, published by Ecstatic Peace Library




04-14-21 mai 2019__Kyoto, Japan
19 :00

Clover hall, Kambaikan, Doshisha University

Karasuma-higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 602-8580

Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

• Special sessions; Défis et continuations, La pédagogie musicale en Europe (Challenges and Continuations, Music Pedagogy in Europe)

• Lecture : Ryosuke Shina (07, 14 mai), Hiroshi Egaitsu (21 mai)

• Screenings as reference : Les Grandes Répétitions (Gérard Patris & Luc Ferrari, 1965-1966)

May 07_Hommage à Edgar Varèse

May 14_Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum from Olivier Messiaen

               Quand un homme consacre sa vie a la musique, portrait of Hermann Scherchen

May 21 _ Momente, Karlheinz Stockhausen

<> link

<> event poster




May 04, 2019__Glasgow, UK

Old Fruitmarket
Tectonics Glasgow, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra’s Festival

Programme Commun pour clavecin et bande magnétique

by Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord

<> event

<> artist link




April 12, 2019__Romainville, France

Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental Nina Simone (CRD)
79 Avenue du Président Wilson, 93230 Romainville

Recital Cage/Ferrari

The Perilous Night, for prepared piano of John Cage

• Collection de petites pièces or 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone of Luc Ferrari

by Michel Maurer, piano

<> event




March 25, 2019__Essen, Germany

Folkwang Universität der Künste – Klemensborn 39 – 45239 Essen (Werden)
Folkwang University of the arts – New auditorium
Alto Festival – Opening Concert

Luc Ferrari :
• Rencontres fortuites
• Tautologos III

Jean-Luc Fafchamps :
• « Z »

• Royer & Collard-Neven Piece – world premiere

by Vincent Royer, viola; Philippe Collard Neven, Piano

<> event




March 15, 2019__Gennevilliers, France

13 Rue Louis Calmel
Conservatory Auditorium
Educational actions

• Études d’improvisation

• Madame de Shanghaï

• Société 1

by the ensemble 20° in the black & music company Alcôme – put in images by YVD




March 02, 2019__Osaka, Japan

Toyonaka Performing Arts Center

3-7-2, Sone-higashi-machi Toyonaka, Osaka


• À la recherche du rythme perdu

• Exercises d’improvisation

Kenichi Nakagawa, piano; Maki Tabata, dance

<> event




February 07-14, 2019__London, U.K.

Cafe OTO : 18–22 Ashwin street – Dalston – London – E8 3DL


For Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

With the issue of the book in English Luc Ferrari COMPLETE WORKS by Ecstatic Peace Library

See details:

<> event poster




February 05,  2019__Paris, France


Mairie du 2e Arrondissement
8 Rue de la Banque, 75002 Paris

• Presque rien n°1

performed on the console by Nathanaëlle Raboisson




February 05,  2019__BBC UK

23:00 ~ 00:30

BBC Radio 3 “Late Junction”, celebrating Luc Ferrari.
The show is broadcasting on :

Nick Luscombe celebrates the life and work of electroacoustic music pioneer Luc Ferrari on what

would have been his 90th birthday. Plus, music from Jim O’Rourke, Swiss composer Walter Feldmann

and the vitamin-packed sonic delights of the Vegetable Orchestra.




January 27, 2019__Forlì, Italy

Area Sismica

<> event

• Exercises d’improvisation

performed by: Giancarlo Schiaffini (trombone), Walter Prati (violoncello),

Francesca Gemmo (piano), Sergio Armaroli (vibraphone)

score and audio published by




January 16, 2019__Brussels, Belgium

Cinéma Nova 3, rue d’Arenberg – 1000 Brussels

“An evening to gather around our cosmic Thunderdom”

• Luc Ferrari face à sa tautologie : 2 jours avant la fin

Film by Guy-Marc Hinant

OME #9 (2005-2006) – 52 minutes




January 5, 2019__Seoul, Korea

Art Hall J

• Exercises d’improvisation

Performed by : Hyun-Mook Lim (Piano), Sunghyun Lee (Piano),

Sangbin Patrick Rhie (El. Guitar), Jeonghyeon Joo (Haegeum)

(*Haegeum is a traditional Korean instrument)

score and audio published by




updated December 13, 2019 ……………………………………………………………………<> pdf 日本語




CANCELED and POSTPONED to another date that we expect for beginning 2020

December 13, 2019__Alfortville, France
20 :00


Programmed at La Muse en Circuit

18 rue Marcelin Berthelot, 94140 Alfortville
M° 8 École Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort




January 17, 2020__Paris, France
20 :30

INA-GRM, Multiphonies 19/20 – AKOUSMA
Le 104, 5 rue Curial – 75019 Paris

104 website


Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue
performed by Tiziana BERTONCINI, Antonin GERBAL, David GRUBBS, Ji Youn KANG, Thomas LEHN, eRikm, et Dafne VICENTE-SANDOVAL




December 30, 2019__Tokyo, Japan
19 :30

Stereo Spasms for Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

at ftarri in Suidobashi
( #B1 Okano build., Hongo1-4-11, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)

event poster


“To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari’s birth, musicians will perform his composition


• Tautologos Ⅲ
and have a session using sounds from his sound archive.”

Masashi Isai(guitar)
Ayako Sato(electronics)
Kokichi Yanagisawa(guitar)
Yingzi Li(erhu)
Ai Watanabe
Gak Sato
Takuma Kuragaki

※ musicians may play other instruments as well.




December 19, 2019__La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland

19 :00

Théâtre ABC – Coq 11

Tél. +41 32 967 90 43



FERRARI 90 – REVISITED, Anniversary concert – Premiere

An evening imagined by the duo Kristoff K.Roll on the occasion of Luc Ferrari’s 90th birthday.

Under a “portrait-form” Kristoff K.Roll offer a musical improvisation with archive sounds of Luc Ferrari.

Evening designed by Carole Rieussec and J-Kristoff Camps.
With the participation of Mireille Bellenot.




CANCELED and POSTPONED to another date that we expect for beginning 2020

December 13, 2019__Alfortville, France

20 :00

La Muse en Circuit

18 rue Marcelin Berthelot, 94140 Alfortville
M° 8 École Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort


Hosted by La Muse en Circuit:



The PRESQUE RIEN Association has selected for the fifth edition of its competition creators who have used sounds made available to them and coming from Luc Ferrari’s archives.
The evening will include listening to the winner’s works, the award ceremony and a drink of friendship.


First price
– Manfredi Clemente • A sonno che sogna di not sognare (10’32)


Second Prize
– Hugo Grenier • Zéphyr (7’35)


Third Prize
– Kyohei Hayashi • Tulipe Tulipe Tulipe (10’19)


Special Mentions ex aequo –
– Yunju Ma • Ce jour là (9’29)
– Vincent Grimaldi • Siesta (9’26)


Mention Debate and Controversies
– Félix Blume • À l’écoute de Presque Rien (7’37)


Free entry
Limited gauge – Booking recommended: or 01 43 78 80 80




December 2, 2019__Tokyo, Japan
16 :30

Musashino Art University – Kodaira


• Conference by Ryosuke Shina on « Les Grandes Répétitions » (the great rehearsals)

followed by the projection of films from the same series by Luc Ferrari and Gérard Patris :

• Hommage à Edgar Varèse

• Momente from Karlheinz Stockhausen




November 29,  2019__Cologne, Germany

18 :00 to 22 :00

Sound Studies
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marcus Erbe
Dr. Leopoldo Siano
Albertus-Magnus-Platz. D-50923 Köln


Raum-Musik   Aktuell (2019)


For his 90th birthday

Music promenade (1964-1969)

A sound installation




November 29, 2019__Montreuil, France

20 :30

Stereo Spasms for Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil – salle Jean-Pierre Vernant

10 Place Jean Jaurès,  Montreuil – M° Mairie de Montreuil

As part of the Festival “Mesure pour Mesure”


event poster


eRikm & Scanner – electronics

• Archives sauvées des eaux – Exploitation des concepts n°1 (2000) – 48 min


Hélène Breschand – harp

• À la recherche du rythme perdu (1978) – 20 min



• Le piano englouti (2012) – 17 min

by Brunhild Ferrari




November 28, 2019__Montreuil, France

20 :30

Stereo Spasms for Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

Instants Chavirés

7 rue Richard Lenoir – 93100 Montreuil – M° Robespierre


event poster


Michel Maurer – piano

• Collection de petites pièces, ou 36 enfilades pour Piano et Magnétophone (1985 – 45 min)

 • Fragments d’un journal intime (1980-1982 – 20 min)




November 20, 2019__Bruxelles, Belgium

20 :00

Ars Musica festival

Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles


• Collection de petites pièces, ou 36 enfilades pour Piano et Magnétophone (1985 – 45 min)

by Xenia Pestova Bennett, piano




November 18-19, 2019__New York, USA

Pioneer Works – 159 Pioneer Street – Brooklyn, NY 11231

program Stereo Spasms

program Film Screenings / Retrospectives


Stereo Spasms

Program One, November 18

Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue (1977)
Stereo tape and free instrumentation
Performers: Tania Chen: piano, David Grubbs: electric guitar, Eli Keszler: percussion,
Jon Leidecker: electronics, Thurston Moore: electric guitar, Matana Roberts: alto saxophone

Les ProtoRythmiques (2004-5)
For two DJs
Performers: Jon Leidecker, Keith Fullerton Whitman


Program Two, November 19

Brunhild Ferrari and David Grubbs in conversation

Ephémère (1974)
Tape alone or to be played with various instruments (free instrumentation)
Four-channel recorded realization by Jim O’Rourke (2019)

Tautologos III (1969; Chicago Version, 2001)
For any group of instruments
Tania Chen: electronics, Brunhild Ferrari: piano, David Grubbs: electric guitar
Eli Keszler: percussion, Jon Leidecker: electronics, Thurston Moore: electric guitar




October 29, 2019__Kyoto, Japan
19 :00

Clover hall, Kambaikan, Doshisha University

Karasuma-higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 602-8580

Luc Ferraris’s 90th Anniversary

Special sessions : Défis et Continuations, La pédagogie musicale en Europe

• Lecture : Yohei Nagano, Ryosuke Shina

• Screening : Projection Les Grandes Répétitions – Cecil Taylor à Paris (Gérard Patris & Luc Ferrari, 1965-1966)




October 29, 2019__London, United Kingdom
19 :00

Performance Space College Building City

University of London St John Street London EC1V 4PB


• Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone

by the pianist Xenia Pestova Bennett for le 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari




October 26, 2019__Berlin, Germany
20 :00

Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz 4 – Berlin 10117


‘Harpsichord and other Keys’

Musique Socialiste or Programme Commun for harpsichord and tape

by the harpsichordist Mahan Esfahani




October 20, 2019__Osaka University, Japan
13 :25 to 15 :25

Toyonaka Hall, Room 402
90th birthday of Luc Ferrari

Symposium devoted to the 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari: “Diversity of Luc Ferrari’s creative activity: its meaning and actuality” (coordinator: Ryosuke Shiina, contributors: Christophe Charles, Haruyuki Suzuki, Ryosuke Shiina).




September 7, 2019__Linz, Austria
11 :00

Anton Bruckner University

In cooperation with the Ars Electronica Festival

Collection de petites pièces ou 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone

Kaori Nishii (piano) and Angélica Castelló (sound)




July 21, 2019__Tokyo, Japan
15 :00

Studio A, Tokyo University of the Arts, Adachi

Exercices d’Improvisation

performed by Hyun-Mook Lim




June 14, 2019__Vienna, Austria
20 :00

Alte Schmiede

LQ – Literarisches Quartier | Schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 Wien


Luc Ferrari – Enfilades anecdotiques

Kaori Nishii (piano) et Angélica Castelló(sound)


• Excerpts from Les Anecdotiques – exploitation des concepts no. 6 (2001–2002)

• Collection de petites pièces ou 36 enfilades pour piano et magnétophone (1985)

• Unheimlich schön (1971)

Followed by a talk between Angélica Castelló and Volkmar Klien




June 1st, 2019__Abbeville, France
20 :00


Solo Hélène Breschand: Works from Eliane Radigue and Luc Ferrari

A la recherche du rythme perdu from Luc Ferrari




May 27, 2019__Alfortville, France
18 :00

La Muse en Circuit
18 rue Marcelin Berthelot, 94140 Alfortville – 01 43 78 80 80

On the occasion of the inauguration of its new concert studio the Muse en Circuit celebrates the 90th anniversary of Luc Ferrari with his audio-visual installation

Cycle des souvenirs

and in concert, with Hélène Breschand and eRikm

A la recherche du rythme perdu

Archives sauvées des eaux

<> event flyer




May 25, 2019__Essen, Germany
19 :30

Viola Festival at the Folkwang University of the Arts
New Auditorium

Vincent Royer, viola
Jean-Philippe Collard Neven, piano

Rencontres fortuites




May 20, 2019__Paris, France
18 :30

Souffle Continu
20-22 rue Gerbier 75011 Paris (M° Voltaire ou Philippe-Auguste)

With the presence of Thurston Moore, Official Parisian launch of the book

“Luc Ferrari – Complete Works” by Brunhild Ferrari

English version by Catherine Marcangeli, published by Ecstatic Peace Library




04-14-21 mai 2019__Kyoto, Japan
19 :00

Clover hall, Kambaikan, Doshisha University

Karasuma-higashi-iru, Imadegawa-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 602-8580

Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

• Special sessions; Défis et continuations, La pédagogie musicale en Europe (Challenges and Continuations, Music Pedagogy in Europe)

• Lecture : Ryosuke Shina (07, 14 mai), Hiroshi Egaitsu (21 mai)

• Screenings as reference : Les Grandes Répétitions (Gérard Patris & Luc Ferrari, 1965-1966)

May 07_Hommage à Edgar Varèse

May 14_Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum from Olivier Messiaen

               Quand un homme consacre sa vie a la musique, portrait of Hermann Scherchen

May 21 _ Momente, Karlheinz Stockhausen

<> link

<> event poster




May 04, 2019__Glasgow, UK

Old Fruitmarket
Tectonics Glasgow, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra’s Festival

Programme Commun pour clavecin et bande magnétique

by Mahan Esfahani, harpsichord

<> event

<> artist link




April 12, 2019__Romainville, France

Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental Nina Simone (CRD)
79 Avenue du Président Wilson, 93230 Romainville

Recital Cage/Ferrari

The Perilous Night, for prepared piano of John Cage

• Collection de petites pièces or 36 Enfilades pour piano et magnétophone of Luc Ferrari

by Michel Maurer, piano

<> event




March 25, 2019__Essen, Germany

Folkwang Universität der Künste – Klemensborn 39 – 45239 Essen (Werden)
Folkwang University of the arts – New auditorium
Alto Festival – Opening Concert

Luc Ferrari :
• Rencontres fortuites
• Tautologos III

Jean-Luc Fafchamps :
• « Z »

• Royer & Collard-Neven Piece – world premiere

by Vincent Royer, viola; Philippe Collard Neven, Piano

<> event




March 15, 2019__Gennevilliers, France

13 Rue Louis Calmel
Conservatory Auditorium
Educational actions

• Études d’improvisation

• Madame de Shanghaï

• Société 1

by the ensemble 20° in the black & music company Alcôme – put in images by YVD




March 02, 2019__Osaka, Japan

Toyonaka Performing Arts Center

3-7-2, Sone-higashi-machi Toyonaka, Osaka


• À la recherche du rythme perdu

• Exercises d’improvisation

Kenichi Nakagawa, piano; Maki Tabata, dance

<> event




February 07-14, 2019__London, U.K.

Cafe OTO : 18–22 Ashwin street – Dalston – London – E8 3DL


For Luc Ferrari’s 90th Anniversary

With the issue of the book in English Luc Ferrari COMPLETE WORKS by Ecstatic Peace Library

See details:

<> event poster




February 05,  2019__Paris, France


Mairie du 2e Arrondissement
8 Rue de la Banque, 75002 Paris

• Presque rien n°1

performed on the console by Nathanaëlle Raboisson




February 05,  2019__BBC UK

23:00 ~ 00:30

BBC Radio 3 “Late Junction”, celebrating Luc Ferrari.
The show is broadcasting on :

Nick Luscombe celebrates the life and work of electroacoustic music pioneer Luc Ferrari on what

would have been his 90th birthday. Plus, music from Jim O’Rourke, Swiss composer Walter Feldmann

and the vitamin-packed sonic delights of the Vegetable Orchestra.




January 27, 2019__Forlì, Italy

Area Sismica

<> event

• Exercises d’improvisation

performed by: Giancarlo Schiaffini (trombone), Walter Prati (violoncello),

Francesca Gemmo (piano), Sergio Armaroli (vibraphone)

score and audio published by




January 16, 2019__Brussels, Belgium

Cinéma Nova 3, rue d’Arenberg – 1000 Brussels

“An evening to gather around our cosmic Thunderdom”

• Luc Ferrari face à sa tautologie : 2 jours avant la fin

Film by Guy-Marc Hinant

OME #9 (2005-2006) – 52 minutes




January 5, 2019__Seoul, Korea

Art Hall J

• Exercises d’improvisation

Performed by : Hyun-Mook Lim (Piano), Sunghyun Lee (Piano),

Sangbin Patrick Rhie (El. Guitar), Jeonghyeon Joo (Haegeum)

(*Haegeum is a traditional Korean instrument)

score and audio published by




November 26, 2018__Milan, Italy


Fabbrica del Vapore

Contemporary Music Hub…/200360-contemporary_music_hub_pa…

>> Program of the event in Italian

Four Sketches 2018 on the occasion of the presentation of the CD publication Exercise d’Improvisation by DODICILUNE

• Exercises d’improvisation by Luc Ferrari.

by Giancarlo Schiaffini, Walter Prati, Francesca Gemmo, Sergio Armaroli




November 24-25, 2018__Nara, Japan

Naramachi Monogatari-Kan House

Within “Brand New Sounds” Art Festival

Concert 3:Acousmatic concert “What did you do as a stranger?”

Presque rien Nº 4 – “La remontée du village”  (1990-1998)

Acousmonium: Tomonari Higaki




October 05, 2018__Paris, France


Maison de la radio – Studio 104
70 years of musique concrete – 60 years of GRM
Anniversary concert celebrating the 70 years of the first radiobroadcast of Concert de Bruit Noise Concert (1948)
With Luc Ferrari’s

Tête et queue du dragon (1959-1960) 9’13




August 25, 2018__Crest, France


26th edition of the Festival Futura : 70 years of musique concrète

Carte blanche for an interpreter: Nathanaëlle Raboisson

Luc Ferrari:

• Far-West News (1998-1999) 1:27




April 20 to August 15, 2018__Dresden, Germany

Exceptional exhibition in the year of the 25th anniversary
of the German Film Institute of Animation in the Technical Collections of Dresden –
“Latent Movement” – Piotr Kamler – matter and time

Chronopolis by Piotr Kamler – Music by Luc Ferrari




June 13, 2018__Lyon, France


Le Périscope – 13 Rue Delandine, 69002 Lyon

Festival Délibéré – Op.Cit & Magic Malik

Etudes d’improvisation — (27’) : Luc Ferrari (composition), Malik Mezzadri (flute)




May 25, 26, 27, 2018__Hanover, Germany

KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen – Alte Herrenhäuser Straße 6 b
D – 30419 Hannover

du 18.05 au 03.06

Kabinett Ferrari

Klaus Grünberg / Anne Kuhn

Installation théatrale

Friday 25.05. — 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00

Saturday 26.05. — 15:00, 16.00, 17:00

Sunday 27.05. — 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00

Duration ca. 45 minutes.

• Jetzt – Maintenant, ou probablement mon quotidien il est là, dans la confusion des lieux et des moments (1981) – Now, or probably my daily life is there, in the confusion of places and moments – Excerpt

• Tête Et Queue Du Dragon (1959/60)

• Unheimlich Schön (1971)




April 27, 2018__Paris, France


100, rue de Charenton 75012 Paris


Opening Concert musique concrète / acousmatic

  • Passage pour mimes (1959)

see whole programme of the festival:




April 22, 2018__Osaka, Japan

15:30 – 18:00

Stage KU
Semba Sounds #4 : Luc Ferrari

Les yeux de Mathieu (1984)
Presque rien avec filles (1989)
Unheimlich schön (1971)
+ film “Presque rien avec Luc Ferrari” from Jaqueline Caux and Olivier Pascal

Programme : Ayako Sato
Acousmatic interpretation : Tomonari Higaki, Olivier Lamarche, Nathanaëlle Raboisson

Production : KArC (Shozo Jonen and Tomonari Higaki)




April 13, 2018__ Brooklyn, New York, USA

Spectrum – 70 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205

À la recherche du rythme perdu

by Teodora Stepancic




April 12, 2018__Paris, France


Espace des arts sans frontières, 44 rue Bouret – 75019 Paris
bar opens at 20h – 10 euros (drink included)

Ensemble 20 degrés dans le noir
Programme :
« Le livre des Nombres » installation (2016)
« État second du verre d’eau » for bass flute (2015)
« Au fil des pas (or perpetual incompletion) » for cello (2009)
« L’intrigante (lips on flint) » for piccolo (2015)
« Le cri de l’étoffe » for violon and cello (2007)
« Roman au miroir (Sisyphus at my table) » studies for voice (2017)

Société I – from Luc Ferrari




April 03, 2018__Paris, France

City Hall of the 2nd arrondissement of Paris
Exhibition hall – 8 Rue de la Banque, 75002 Paris
City Hall of the 2nd arrondissement of Paris & Motus – free entrance

70 years of musique concrète #2

Études aux objets (1959) – Pierre Schaeffer
Flashback (2016) – Martina Claussen
Je vois des bateaux dans les arbres et de la bruine sur tes paupières. De l’autre côté du miroir, je vois des oiseaux qui se noient. Un peu. (2016) – Nicolas Marty

Presque rien n°2 – ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple (1977) – Luc Ferrari

Acousmonium : Jonathan Prager.




24 mars 2018__WDR 3 Cologne, Allemagne (Westdeutscher Rundfunk)

20:04 à 22:00



• Étude aux Accidents (1958)
• Hétérozygote (1963/64)
• Presque rien No.1 – Le lever du jour au bord de la mer (1967 – 70)
• Cyclotron (1978)
• Jetzt – oder wahrscheinlich ist dies mein Alltag, in der Verwirrung der Orte und Augenblicke (1981 – 82)
Unheimlich schön (1993)




24 mars 2018__WDR 3 Cologne, Germany (Westdeutscher Rundfunk)

20:04 to 22:00



Étude aux Accidents (1958)
Hétérozygote (1963/64)
Presque rien No.1 – Le lever du jour au bord de la mer (1967 – 70)
Cyclotron (1978)
Jetzt – oder wahrscheinlich ist dies mein Alltag, in der Verwirrung der Orte und Augenblicke (1981 – 82)
Unheimlich schön (1993)




March 10, 2018__ Milan, Italy

L’Arsenale Theater – Via Cesare Correnti, 11 – 20123 Milan

Edited by Sergio Armaroli, Steve Piccolo, Teatro Arsenale, Galleria Erratum, MMT Creative Lab


Tautologos III ou Vous plairait-il de tautologuer avec moi?

With the official release Luc Ferrari Exercices d’Improvisation by Giancarlo Schiaffini, trombone –

Walter Prati, Cello – Francesca Gemmo, piano – Sergio Armaroli, vibraphone





January 25, 2018__Paris, France
6:30 p.m – 10:30 p.m

Musée Orsay, Paris, France

“Curieuse nocturne Degas”.


Madame de Shanghai by Luc Ferrari
Tranquilles impatiences hy Brunhild Ferrari… etc…


Tsuku Boshi (Mokuhen) and Masashi Isai




January 4,  2018__Paris, France
8:00 p.m

La Muse en Circuit  – 18 rue Marcellin Berthelot – 94140 Alfortville



The dangerous freedom given to artists to create


For our fourth edition, the PRESQUE RIEN Association offered artists to create a workwith Luc Ferrari’s sound archives – or to use them in their project. These sound fileswere collected during the digitization of Luc Ferrari’s magnetic archives, chosen andmade available to creators of all artistic disciplines.


First Prizes (ex-aequo)

  • Alexandre Homerin “L’otium du peuple” 12’54
  • Kokichi Yanagisawa “In The Dreams Some Drops Had” 10’10


Second Prize

  • Yoann Sanson “No more Noise” 32’04


Special Mention – video

  • Haku Sungho “Nylon line” 6’05


Distinguished works

  • Guillaume Contré “Grande Tautologie” 41’52
  • John Montgomery “vol” 7’53
  • John Wiggins “Taken sound” 3’09
  • Julien Podolak “GDN” 9’13




December 10, 2017__ Paris, France

4:00 p.m

Paris, France
Maison de Radio France

116, Av. du Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris

Pierre Henry – Un pionnier
Tribute from GRM to Pierre Henry

Programme conceived by Pierre Henry: François Bayle, Luc Ferrari, François-Bernard Mâche, Pierre Schaeffer, Iannis Xenakis …

Tautologos I




November 25, 2017__ Tokyo, Japan

7:00 p.m

1-7-7 Sakuradai Nerima-Ku Tokyo Japan

PRESQUE RIEN Prize – CD release party
Works from

• Masashi Isai
• Ayako Sato
• Takuma Kuragaki
• Yingzi Li
• Hideki Umezawa




November 12, 2017__ Paris, France

4:00 p.m

IMMERSION 2 / Classiques de l’Ina GRM
Auditorium Radio France

Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps




November 12, 2017__ Clermont-Ferrand, France

5:00 p.m

Auditorium du CRR
19th festival Musiques Démesurées

Collection de petites pièces, ou 36 enfilades pour Piano et Magnétophone
by Michel Maurer




November 9, 2017__ Liège, Belgium

08:00 p.m

Centre Henri Pousseur – La boverie,  auditorium

Students of the Royal Conservatory of Liège
Center Henri Pousseur, electronics

• Luc Ferrari, A la recherche du rythme perdu
(Reflections on writing # 2) for jazz pianist and percussion (1978)

• Thomas Kessler, Piano Control for piano and electronics (1974)
Thomas Kessler, Dichterlesung for 3 interpreters and electronics (2002)

• Luc Ferrari, Tautologos III for instrumentalists and electronics (1969)




October 27, 2017__ Paris, France

07:00 p.m

La SCAM, 5 Avenue Vélasquez, 75008 Paris

Rouge – Vert – Bleu. Video work from Franck Ancel / 87’

Vladimir Maïakovski Remix in 2006 on Programme Commun for harpsichord and tape from Luc Ferrari

Joseph Beuys Remix in 2015 on a music from Eliane Radigue

Yves Klein Remix in 2007 on the voice of Natacha Lejeune

This unic evening is dedicated to the memory of Elisabeth Chojnacka (1939-2017)

Simultaneous broadcast on

Reservation essential to
or on 06 52 28 39 39




October 20, 2017__ Paris, France

07:00 p.m

CRR de Paris, 14, rue de Madrid, 75008 Paris

Tel: +33 (0)1 44 70 64 00

Concert Hommage à Marianne

• A la recherche du rythme perdu

Henry Fourès, piano – Diffusion Michel Pascal




October 5 to January 28, 2017__ Madrid, Spain

08:00 p.m

Planta 5, Plaza de Cibeles 1 – 28014 Madrid

CHARIVARIA Exhibition at the CentroCentro Cibeles
of about 200 pieces combining historical and contemporary references from Spain and elsewhere.

Curator – Andrea Zarza and José Luis Espejo
DJ Session of Abraham Rivero on music and public spaces.
Listening and exhibition of manuscripts of the score

• L’Escalier des Aveugles



September 19, 2017__ Milan, Italy

8:00 p.m

Via  Doria, 20 – Milan – 333 9692237

• Presentation of the book of Musiques dans les spasmes – Writings by Luc Ferrari (1951-2005)
• Vernissage PRESQUE RIEN
Quasi niente: Tautologie
Photogravures and Photomontages from Luc and Brunhild Ferrari
• Issue of the catalog of 140 pages published for this exhibition
by Sergio Armaroli and Steve Piccolo, including texts by Sergio Armaroli, Steve Piccolo and Andrea Cernotto




September 10, 2017__ London, UK

7:30 p.m

E8 3DL Ashwin St, London


Brunhild Ferrari:

• Brumes du réveil

• Tranquilles Impatiences




July 14, 2017__ Kyoto, Japan

Media Shop Gallery – 44 Daikokucho, Sanjo-kudaru, Kawaramachi-dori,

Chukyo-ku, Kyoto-Shi, 6048031 Kyoto

Luc Ferrari of a summer night

On the occasion of the publication of Musiques dans les spasmes – Writings by Luc Ferrari,


1:00 p.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.


•  Exhibition of documents about Luc Ferrari

•  Screening of Presque Rien avec Luc Ferrari, a film by Jacqueline Caux

• Concert by Masashi Isai


6:30 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.


Conference by Ryosuke Shiina – Et Tournent Les Sons «about Luc Ferrari».




June, 2017__ CD release Dangerous Visions

• Tautologos IV from Luc Ferrari

• Feu toujours vivant from Gérard Pape

• Glissements progressifs du plaisir from Gérard Hourbette


Commissioned by Art Zoyd and Orchestre National de Lille. (Dir. Jean-Claude Casadessus)




May, 2017__ Vinyl disc release  OOOL / Sound Fictions

• Hors Champ from Cédric Maridet

• Cycling from Eddie Ladoire

• Music promenade from Luc Ferrari (extract)

• Double intérieur from Mathias Delplanque


4 pieces in remix version of the sound installations for the exhibition from September 15

to November 13, 2016 at the Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Fr

– Centre d’art contemporain – La Fonderie




May 31, 2017__ Stuttgart, Germany

7:00 p.m.

Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst
Within the programme The Listening Hour – Kammermusiksaal

Tautologos 1




May 30, 2017__ Paris, France

8:00 p.m.
Centre Barbara Fleury – La Goutte d’or, 1 Rue Fleury, 75018 Paris
Luc Ferrari in Acousmatic Concert by Eric Broitmann and MOTUS

• Archives génétiquement modifiées




May 4, 2017__ Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Metropolitan Theater
1-8-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021

within the festival 2017

“Born Creative” organised by Dai FUJIKURA with works from Ryuichi Sakamoto,

Yoshihide Otomo, Dai Fujikura, Toru Takemitsu, Pauline Oliveros…

•  Luc Ferrari’s Room

with works from Luc Ferrari during the whole day.

By Tomonari Higaki




April 28, 2017__ Alfortville, France
8:00 p.m.

La Muse en Circuit
18 rue Marcelin Berthelot, 94140 Alfortville
M° 8 École Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort

For the publication of Musiques dans les spasmes – Writings of Luc Ferrari,

concert and reading by David Jisse and Wilfried Wendling.

Free admission – Limited gauge – Reservation required: ou 01 43 78 80 80




April 23, 2017__ Athens, Greece
11:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m.

Borderline festival. Onassis Cultural Centre
107 Cyngrou Avenue, 1745 Athens

Brumes du réveil by Brunhild Ferrari

Tranquilles impatiences by Brunhild Ferrari




21 April, 2017__ Thessaloniki, Greece
8:00 p.m.

Faze – Les yper yper et Granny Records
The sounds of Luc Ferrari:
Brunhild Ferrari in conversation with Danae Stefanou
and presenting her pieces

Brumes du réveil

Tranquilles impatiences ari




March 27, 2017__ Liverpool, UK
7:00 p.m.

Victoria Building – 150 Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L3 5RF
Open Circuit Festival 2017 : Flute and Electronics with Richard Craig

Madame de Shanghai for 3 flutes and memorized sounds.




March 5, 2017__ Bruxelles, Belgium

4:00 p.m.

KRAAK festival from 3 to 5 March 2017
Beursschouwburg art centre – Rue Auguste Ortsstraat 20-28 – 1000 Bruxelles

Closing the festival:

• Stürmische Ruhe from Brunhild Ferrari and Christoph Heemann

• Tranquilles Impatiences from Brunhild Ferrari




March, 2017__ Reissue on vinyl disc REGRM 017 / Luc Ferrari
Hétérozygote / Petite symphonie…
by INA-GRM and Editions MEGO (Recollection GRM)

Hétérozygote (1963–1964) – 26’19

Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage de printemps (1973–1974), 25’09




February, 2017__ 3 CD-set Prix PRESQUE RIEN

With works from the prize-winners and a selection of pieces

from the three first competitions PRESQUE RIEN

published by Association PRESQUE RIEN, Paris

PPRP001.11.13.15 – METAMKINE




February, 2017__ Musiques dans les spasmes – Écrits de Luc Ferrari (1951-2005) 

Les presses du réel, Field of Performing Arts & Sound Arts,

collection Sound arts Hors série.

Edited by Brunhild Ferrari and Jérôme Hansen. Preface by Jim O’Rourke.
Introduction by Brunhild Ferrari. Contains also interviews with Luc Ferrari

by François-Bernard Mâche; Catherine Millet; Christian Zanési; Pierre-Yves Macé

and David Sanson …

17 x 24 cm (paperback), 236 pages (color and b & w)….

<> book presentation

<> read an excerpt




November, 2016__ Radio Catalunya, Espagne

Broadcast dedicated to Brunhild Ferrari with


Le Piano englouti

Brumes du réveil

<> listen to the radio show

