Hétérozygote  (1964)

Hétérozygote in biology, means: plant heredity of which is mixed. This means that in this composition, the tried experience is to fabricate a language being at the same time on musical and on dramatic plan.


One could call this kind of music “Anecdotic Music” because, if the organization of the events is purely musical, their choice proposes situations being justified on two plans:  that of the music and that of the anecdote.


The anecdote is however rather little formulated and is likely of various interpretations. The listener is then invited to imagine his own anecdote by rejecting – if necessary – that which the author proposes.

More exactly, the author proposes an anecdotic complex having possibly several significances.


The work preceded by an opening, is made up of eight scenes separated or not by interludes.

And, if one wants to push the paradox further, one can say that the titles of the scenes are optional and that the interludes are also scenes, etc.


Hétérozygote was composed between December 1963 and March 1964 and lasts 27 minutes.


Here the titles suggested by the author:



1st scene: The Flute and the Manitoban

interlude 1

2nd scene: The Meteors

3rd scene: The Beach

interlude 2

4th scene: The Cave (or Ordering)

5th scene: Arithmetic

6th scene: From dawn to Midday on the Market

interlude 3

7th scene: The Prison

interlude 4

8th scene: Geometry of the Sky