Les Arythmiques (2003)
The Arrhythmias
The morning of May 29, 2003
when I awoke
I could not breathe any more.
I was carried to the urgencies and there I was said that I had a cardiac arrhythmia.
They made me an electrocardiogram and they showed it to me.
I found that the arrhythmias were not very interesting
that I could better do.
It is at this time that I decided to make an electroacoustic composition that would be called “the Arrhythmias”.
Then I was said:
To restore the cardiac rhythm an electric shock should be made.
I was put on a traveling bed
I waited in a rather cold corridor during two hours.
I thus had time to reflect.
And as one says of a drowned passing by again all his life
I decided to use all the sounds that I had recorded on journeys these last years.
While making them arrhythmic.
I was finally deadened and received probably an electric shock that I do not remember.
This is why, while leaving the hospital
I tried to reconstitute in studio the sound of the shock that I had not heard.
With this sound coming back periodically with each time I change the scene
I impressed the rhythm on the composition.
This composition peculiarly is listened in the right way.
But I tried that one remembers it backwards.
As I already went up a village in Italy here, I tried to go back in time.
It is not easy.
on May 5th, 2005
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