Didascalie 2 or Three characters in search of notes (January 1st – end of February 2005)
For two pianos and a third very powerful instrument being able to hold a very strong note
According to the Livre des Traditions (Book of the Traditions) (April 1993)!
The other day I found in a file 1993 a score for 2 pianos, which was called “to return to the starting note”.
I thus decided to make of it a new composition without changing a note; I may add there were very little of them. What arranges me.
Then I called that Didascalie 2 to remember what I did last year: a piece for piano and viola that was called just shortly: Didascalie.
Just short Didascalie was to be played on 2 notes, one for piano and the same one for viola and had an obsessional character. Very very obobobobsessionel!!!!!!!!
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