


Rencontres fortuites (7 January – 11 June 2003) — 21’25

Fortuitous encounters

For viola, piano and SM (Memorized Sound on media)

Premiered : Dijon, November 22, 2003 by Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, piano, Vincent Royer, viola.
«I had initially called this piece 7 or 8 anecdotes and abstractions for Viola, Piano and SM (meaning to say ‘Memorized Sound’, and nothing else). The two titles had advantage of being true what is not always the case. Thus, there are in this piece 7 or 8 sequences which go from an abstract listening to an anecdotic listening. I hope renewed and always active.»
Score available : Brunhild Ferrari
Sub Rosa SR261 luc ferrari “didascalies” / cd+ dvd / May 2007



Quatre Morceaux en Forme de Promenade (28 June — 27 December 2003) — 21’

Four Pieces in Form of Walk

For 4 brasses, 2 Percussions and SM (Memorized Sound on media)

Commissioned by the GMEA Centre musical of Albi, Tarn with the support of the State.

Premiered : Nov 5, 2004 in Toulouse by the Pythagore Ensemble (F.Lecocq saxophone, Ph.Lecocq saxophone tenor, S.Tizac Trumpet, A.Denjean trombone, P.Vénissac and G.Blaise percussions)

«It will be said here that the saxophones will represent 2 of 4 brasses. That’s a question of color and if one wants of timbre. In the same way as percussions are used as percussions saxophones are used here as brasses. This being said, any resemblance to existing titles would be only the fruit of the chance. These 4 Pieces are in a kind of very precise decor where the instrumental writing enters dialectic with what I like to name SM (Memorized Sound on media). In effect, all concrete sounds were recorded in Sicily and more precisely in Taormina in August 2003.»

Score available : Brunhild Ferrari



Les Arythmiques (May– November 2003) — 40’20


Premiered : La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, Theatre ABC. June 17, 2005

«The morning of the 29th of May 2003 when I awoke I could not breathe any more. I was brought to the urgencies and there I was told that I had a cardiac arrhythmia. They made me an electrocardiogram and showed it to me. I found that the arrhythmias were not very interesting, that I could better do… This composition funnily listens in the place. But I tried that one remember it upside down. I tried to take back up the time …»

CD Blue Chopsticks BC 19 – 2008